Professor in Information Technology with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence
Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH)
Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen
Om jobben
Professor in Information Technology with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence
Type ansettelse
Fast, heltid 100%
Norsk eller skandinavisk
Antall stillinger
About the position
NHH in Bergen, Norway, invites applications for a position as Professor in Information Technology with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the Department of Strategy and Management.
The Department of Strategy and Management delivers teaching and supervision in NHH’s programs at the bachelor, master and PhD levels, as well as executive programs. The department has high ambitions in terms of research and offers a stimulating multi-disciplinary work environment. The main activities are organised in five broad research areas: i) Organisational Behavior ii) Strategy iii) Marketing iv) Information Technology v) Entrepreneurship and Innovation. For more information, please consult our webpage.
The department aims to strengthen its capacity in Information Technology and AI. A successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to publish in high quality scientific outlets, supervise PhD-students and manage research projects. You will be part of a strong and supportive team of researchers dedicated to producing research with an international outreach in high-ranked publication outlets. We emphasise candidates that have a track record ranging from the foundations of AI to practical applications in complex domains. We encourage applicants to include links to GitHub or other code repositories that document their programming ability. Experience with developing and implementing AI solutions across different organisational contexts, including educational technology, is valuable. The successful candidate should demonstrate experience in bridging technical AI development with strategic business understanding. Whether pursuing advanced machine learning techniques or process-intensive research approaches, being part of this research team will provide you with access to leading Scandinavian private and public organisations, national register databases, and the recently acquired Al server. The successful candidate will also be invited to contribute to our research centres or research projects, which interacts closely with Norwegian industry and the public sector on topics related to our research areas. A proven ability to interact and collaborate with the business community is appreciated.
The person appointed to the position must be able to teach the business data processing course, MET3 in NHH’s Bachelor Program in Economics and Business Administration. The Department also needs to strengthen its teaching capacity in information technology and AI in the Bachelor Program in Business, Economics and Data Science, and at the master and PhD levels, including development of new AI-focused courses. Experience with developing and leading AI-related educational programs is considered valuable.
The principal teaching language in the Bachelor Program in Economics and Business Administration is Norwegian. Proficiency in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language at a minimum of the B2 level (The Common European Framework) is therefore required.
The position involves teaching on average two courses per year as well as some graduate supervision. Teaching quality and the ability to engage large classes are important criterion. This will be evaluated through documented evidence of previous teaching experience in a recognised academic program, interaction with students, and student evaluations. The candidate appointed to the position is expected to interact and cooperate on research with colleagues across disciplines, attending faculty seminars, taking part in recruitment processes, and other activities that aim to strengthen the research and social environment at NHH and the department.
Applicants must have a PhD degree from a recognised business school or university. In the assessment of applicants, international experience and qualifications will be emphasised. For the sake of gender balance at NHH, female applicants will be given preference in the event of equivalent qualifications among candidates.
NHH offers
- a competitive salary that is negotiable within the state salary scale. The salary will depend both on the level of competence and length of service. External research grants and teaching in executive programs may offer exceptional candidates opportunities for supplementing the base salary.
- a favorable membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (SPK) and good welfare benefits such as parental leave.
- research funds for traveling and conference participation and a bonus system for publication in top international journals (up to NOK 200 000).
- opportunity to apply for research leave. The period of entitlement for six months’ research leave is six semesters and 12 semesters for a year's leave.
Note that public health care, public schooling for children, and most other public services are free in Norway. The city of Bergen has a mild, coastal climate and offers rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities - as well as a family-friendly environment (explore
General information
The appointee must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.
The state labor force shall reflect the diversity of Norwegian society to the greatest extent possible. People with immigrant backgrounds and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply for the position.
The application should contain details of the applicant's scientific and pedagogical education and work experience. In addition, the applicant should provide an overview and assessment of the applicants' teaching experience and documentation of teaching quality. The application and enclosed documentation, including a CV, a list of publications, certificates with grades, a teaching portfolio, and any other relevant documentation should be submitted through the Jobbnorge online portal. A maximum of 15 publications and working papers should also be attached for evaluation. To open the application, please click ‘Apply for this job’. For English version, go to the menu at the top right side.
Two or three reference letters (in PDF) must be submitted by email directly to NHH ( from the referees, by 10 February 2025.
In accordance with §25 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act, information about the applicant may be made public even if the applicant has requested not to have his/her her name entered on the list of applicants. The applicant will be notified if his/her request is not respected.
Enquiries about the position should be directed to Head of Department, Professor Vidar Schei, e-mail / phone +47 55959871.
Deadline for applications is 10 February 2025. This date also applies to the submission of publications/written work.
Om bedriften
NHH Norwegian School of Economics is one of the leading business schools in Europe. We have an internationally recognised research environment and collaborate with 195 universities and business schools worldwide. NHH is the first choice for students who want to study business administration in Norway. Our activities are characterised by high quality, strong ethical standards, and a collective drive for common goals.
In close partnership with the business community and society, we generate and disseminate new knowledge and create value for a sustainable future. NHH is located in the city of Bergen and has around 3,750 students and 455 employees.