Senior Data Science Engineer within Geoscience
Universitetet i Oslo
Sem Sælands vei 1, 0371 Oslo
Om jobben
Senior Data Science Engineer within Geoscience
Type ansettelse
Fast, heltid 100%
Norsk eller engelsk
Antall stillinger
Søk på jobben
Søk senest mandag 31. mars
About the position / About the job
A permanent position as a Senior Data Science Engineer within Geoscience is available at the University of Oslo (UiO), Department of Geosciences. The candidate will be part of a team of six at the department's local IT service, which covers the full range from IT support and operations to advanced research support for our scientific staff, students and researchers. This position will be part of the advanced research support, associated with the Section of Geography and Hydrology (GeoHyd), but work will also be carried out in close collaboration with the other sections of the Department, especially the section of Meteorology and Oceanography (MetOs).
Research and teaching activities at GeoHyd and METOS cover a range of topics in hydrology, glaciology, geomorphology, meteorology, oceanography and geomatics, with strong focus on the cryosphere. Examples are floods and droughts, snow, glaciers and ice sheets, permafrost, geohazards, climate change, the oceans as well as the carbon cycle. The sections engage in both field observations, remote sensing (drones and satellites) and numerical modelling, and many successful research projects are based on a combination of two or more of the above. For this reason, developing and applying state-of-the-art methods for the interplay of data and models is of critical importance for the GeoHyd and MetOs sections.
The GeoHyd and MetOs sections rely on the computing capacities of the Department of Geosciences, and additional computing and storage resources are accessed through the national Norwegian Infrastructure provided by Uninett-Sigma2. External project financing comes from the Norwegian and European Research Councils, the EU Framework Programs and the European Space Agency. The position will primarily serve the research community of the GeoHyd and MetOs sections but will also be a resource for the department more generally and contribute to the broader research software engineering community at University of Oslo and beyond.
Job description
We seek a highly motivated Data Science engineer, with a proven track record in data assimilation and/or machine learning. The successful candidate will:
- Contribute to the design, planning, documentation, implementation, and execution of computational research work related to data assimilation and/or machine learning
- Assist with maintenance and updates of research software and data sets
- Follow state-of-the-art research developments in data science
- Provide support in the planning of research projects and writing of research proposals
- Keep close contact with and offer advanced support for researchers and students working with a variety of data sets and modelling tools
- Contribute to competence development with respect to data assimilation and/or
machine learning, and train others in the different research groups
Qualification requirements
You must have- At least a master’s degree in computer science, geophysics/meteorology, physics, or a related field
- documented strong experience with data assimilation and/or machine learning within geoscience, in particular topics relevant for earth surface processes and climate science
- documented strong experience in scientific programming within Linux/Windows
environments using programming languages such as Python, Matlab, Julia, Fortran and/or C++ - Strong communication skills - a person to bridge the gap between scientific data analysis, computing and research.
- A team player with strong mentorship capabilities - the candidate will contribute to competence development within the sections in terms of data assimilation
and machine learning, for example by organizing seminars and workshops
- A candidate with a research background and a PhD degree.
- Insight into the foundations of data assimilation and/or machine learning
- Track record in developing and implementing data assimilation and/or machine
learning based algorithms for scientific problems within cryospheric and climate science - Experience with computational support work for researchers and/or students
- Experience with high performance computing (HPC) and parallel programming
- Experience with packaging and publishing software, as well as version control (e.g. Github)
- Experience related to the scientific work at the GeoHyd section (e.g. snow, glaciers, permafrost, hydrology, remote sensing, eddy covariance)
We offer / We can offer you / Why should you choose us?
- Exciting and meaningful tasks in an organization with an important societal mission, contributing to knowledge development, education, and enlightenment that promote sustainable, fair, and knowledge-based societal development.
- Committed colleagues in a good working environment. A pleasant and stimulating work environment
- Good welfare schemes.
- Opportunity of up to 1.5 hours a week of exercise during working hours.
- A workplace with good development and career opportunities.
- Membership in the Statens Pensjonskasse, which is one of Norway's best pension schemes with beneficial mortgages and good insurance schemes.
- Salary in position as job Senior Engineer, position code 1181 in salary range NOK from 650 000 - 850 000, depending on competence and experience. From the salary, 2 percent is deducted in statutory contributions to the State Pension Fund.
Read more about the benefits of working in the public sector at Employer Portal.
Inclusive worklife and diversity at UiO
Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.
If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, employment gaps or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these categories to an interview.
For management positions with less than 40% women: Women are especially encouraged to apply.
We hope that you will apply for the position.
Your application should include:
- Cover letter.
- CV (complete overview of education and work experience)
- Copies of educational certificates, transcript of records and letters for recommendation.
- Names and contact details of 2-3 references (names, relation to candidate and telephone number)
Application with attachments must be submitted via our recruitment system Jobbnorge, click "Apply for the position".
When applying for the position, we ask you to retrieve your education results from Vitnemå If your education results are not available through Vitnemålsportalen, we ask you to upload copies of your transcripts or grades. Please note that all documentation must be in English or a Scandinavian language. Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their University's grading system.
General information
The best qualified candidates will invited for interviews.
Applicant lists can be published in accordance with Norwegian Freedom of Information Act § 25. When you apply for a position with us, your name will appear on the public applicant list. It is possible to request to be excluded from this list. You must justify why you want an exemption from publication and we will then decide whether we can grant your request. If we can't, you will hear from us.
Kontaktpersoner for stillingen
For technical questions regarding the recruitment system, please contact HR Adviser Ørjan Pretorius
Om bedriften
The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest rated institution of research and education with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. Its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally esteemed research communities make UiO an important contributor to society.
The Department encompasses six scientific sections; Meteorology and Oceanography, Geography and Hydrology, Study of sedimentary basins, Environmental geosciences. and Crustal Processes. We host now a third in the line of three Centre of Excellences: PHAB – Centre for Planetary Habitability, and have a Norwegian Research School for PhD students (Research School for Dynamics and Evolution of Earth and Planets, DEEP).
The Department aims to contribute to the new and important UN Sustainability Development Goals, and are important contributors to IPCC (UN’s Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change). The staff consists of 40 professors and associate professors, in addition to postdoctoral fellows, PhD students, researchers, technical- and administrative staff. The Department has around 200 employees.