PhD Research Fellow in Renewable Energy Systems Modelling
Universitetet i Oslo
Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2007 Kjeller
Om jobben
PhD Research Fellow in Renewable Energy Systems Modelling
Type ansettelse
Vikariat, heltid 100%
Antall stillinger
Søk på jobben
Søk senest fredag 28. februar
About the position
Position as PhD Research Fellow in Renewable Energy Systems Modelling focusing on the role of solar energy in Norway and the EU available at Department of Technology System, University of Oslo.
The fellowship period is 3 years.
A fourth year may be considered with a workload of 25 % that may consist of teaching, supervision duties, and/or research assistance. This is dependent upon the qualification of the applicant and the current needs of the department.
Starting date is no later than October 1, 2025
No one can be appointed for more than one PhD Research Fellowship period at the University of Oslo.
Jobb description
The cost of solar photovoltaics (PV) has significantly decreased over the past decade and PV is expected to play a central role in Europe’s transition to net-zero emissions by 2050. This PhD fellowship will analyse the role of PV to meet Norway’s and EU’s commitments under the Paris agreement. To do so the PhD researcher will use and further enhance the representation of solar PV in highRES-Europe, a high temporal and spatial resolution electricity system planning model which simultaneously optimises spatially explicit infrastructure planning and operational decisions.
The PhD will conduct model-based research on topics such as
- Social acceptance and environmental impacts including amelioration options such as agri-PV and analysis of trade-offs
- The impact of climate change on PV generation and designing future climateresilient electricity systems
- The interaction of solar energy with the wider electricity system
The PhD fellow will be part of the newly established national research centre FME SOLAR. It consists of more than 50 partners joining excellent R&D institutions with innovative user partners responsible for the majority of industrial activity, exports and turnover in Norway’s PV industry. The centre is led by Erik Stensrud Marstein at the neighboring Institute for Energy Technology (IFE). There will be in total around 20 PhDs and Postdocs across four Norwegian universities: NMBU, NTNU, UiA and UiO. The research will be conducted in close contact with the research and user partners of FME Solar, and with other partners at ITS on the general topics of renewable energy systems.
The PhD candidate will be part of a team at ITS comprising two other positions funded by the FME Solar project and Assoc. Prof. Marianne Zeyringer, Prof. Sabrina Sartori and Assoc. Prof. Mathias Hudoba de Badyn, and in close collaboration with other members of the Energy Systems section and more particularly the Energy Systems Modelling Group. Our team is made up of engaged and collaborative researchers focused on developing model-based analyses for the energy transition.
We work in a wide range of national and EU projects (e.g. WIMBY, SAMVIND, EMPOWER, AtLAST, Energy for Future, Include) addressing key challenges such as climate-resilient energy system design, socially accepted and just energy system modeling, and integrating broader sustainability factors including biodiversity and material use into energy systems models. Additionally, our work involves using these models to inform the public and policymakers about system trade-offs and complexities. We are co-developing the highRES electricity system model with UCL.
The candidate will be supervised by Assoc. Prof. Marianne Zeyringer, who is leading the group and is also Academic Chair for Climate Change University Alliance Circle U.
Qualification requirements
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has a strategic ambition to be among Europe’s leading communities for research, education and innovation. Candidates for these fellowships will be selected in accordance with this, and expected to be in the upper segment of their class with respect to academic credentials.
Required qualifications- Master’s degree or equivalent in Renewable Energy Systems, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Environmental Science, Computer Science, Economics or similar quantitative discipline
Foreign completed degree (M.Sc.-level) corresponding to a minimum of four years in the Norwegian educational system
Candidates without a master’s degree have until 30 June 2025 to complete the final exam.
- Programming skills in Python, R or similar
- Fluent oral and written communication skills in English
- Experience with processing and analysing large datasets such as weather/climate data or spatial data
- Experience with GAMS or similar mathematical programming tools for quantitative modelling
- Experience with energy and power system models
- Familiarity with climate change and European/Norwegian energy discussion
- The average grade point for courses included in the Bachelor’s degree must be C or better in the Norwegian educational system
- The average grade point for courses included in the Master’s degree must be B or better in the Norwegian educational system
- The Master’s thesis must have the grade B or better in the Norwegian educational system
English requirements for applicants from outside of EU/EEA/EFTA countries and exemptions from the requirements:
- The applicant's estimated academic and personal ability to complete the project within the time frame
- Good collaboration skills and an ability to join interdisciplinary academic communities
The purpose of the fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a PhD degree. For more information see:
Doctoral degree: PhD at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesPersonal skills
- High interest in joining FME Solar and ITS energy systems modelling group and motivation to conduct impactful research
- High motivation for interdisciplinary collaboration as well as the ability to work independently
- Creativeness and proactiveness
- Ability to write in a structured, clear and concise manner
We offer
- Salary NOK 536 200 – 575 400 per annum depending on qualifications and seniority as PhD Research Fellow (position code 1017)
- Attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement
- Vibrant international academic environment Career development programmes
- Oslo’s family-friendly surroundings with their rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities
Inclusive worklife and diversity at UiO
Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.
If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, employment gaps or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these categories to an interview.
We hope that you will apply for the position.
More information about gender equality initiatives at UiO can be found here.
How to apply
Your application should include:
- Cover letter - statement of motivation and research interests describing why you are applying for this research fellowship position
- CV (summarizing education, positions and academic work - scientific publications)
- Copies of the original Bachelor and Master’s degree diploma, transcripts of records
- Documentation of English proficiency
- Written work of yours (e.g. Master thesis, Seminar paper) and optional an example of code you wrote (link to Github if you have)
- Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number)
Application with attachments must be submitted via our recruitment system Jobbnorge, click "Apply for the position".
When applying for the position, we ask you to retrieve your education results from Vitnemå If your education results are not available through Vitnemålsportalen, we ask you to upload copies of your transcripts or grades. Please note that all documentation must be in English or a Scandinavian language.
General information
The best qualified candidates will be invited for interviews.
Applicant lists can be published in accordance with Norwegian Freedom of Information Act § 25. When you apply for a position with us, your name will appear on the public applicant list. It is possible to request to be excluded from this list. You must justify why you want an exemption from publication and we will then decide whether we can grant your request. If we can't, you will hear from us.
Please refer to Regulations for the Act on universities and colleges chapter 3 (Norwegian), Guidelines concerning appointment to post doctoral and research posts at UiO (Norwegian) and Regulations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the University of Oslo.
The University of Oslo has a transfer agreement with all employees that is intended to secure the rights to all research results etc.
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Associate Professor Marianne Zeyringer, e-mail:
For questions regarding recruitment system Jobbnorge, please contact:
HR advisor Olga Holmlund, e-mail:
Om bedriften
The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest rated institution of research and education with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. Its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally esteemed research communities make UiO an important contributor to society.
The University of Oslo (UiO) is expanding the activity at Campus Kjeller to strengthen our education, research, and innovation in technology for a sustainable future. UiO is a well-ranked research university where the Department of Technology Systems at Kjeller (ITS) is focused on applied research in sustainable energy, autonomous systems, space, and security. At Kjeller, ITS is co-located with the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment (FFI) and the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), which both offer rich opportunities for collaboration. ITS also has a range of interdisciplinary research collaborations that include the UiO Blindern Campus and Oslo Science City, as well as many other national and international institutions and industries..
ITS offers several master level programmes, alone and jointly with other departments: Renewable energy systems, Cybernetics and autonomous systems, Robotics and intelligent systems, and Information security.
ITS also hosts the Centre for Space Sensors and Systems (CENSSS), which incorporates operation of an instrument on the NASA Perseverance rover on Mars. A new master program in Space systems is in the planning stage. The department currently has 9 permanent scientific staff, approximately 35 adjunct staff from the research institutes at Kjeller and from industry, as well as about 20 PhD candidates.
This position is part of an ongoing expansion of the UiO activity at Campus Kjeller. Campus Kjeller is located 20 km northeast of Oslo, between the city center and Oslo Airport. It is a 20 minutes commute with public transportation from Oslo city center to the campus.