Postdoctoral fellowship
Division of Emergencies and Critical Care, Department of Research and Development, Oslo universitetssykehus HF
Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo
Om jobben
Postdoctoral fellowship
Type ansettelse
Engasjement, heltid 100%
Norsk eller engelsk
Antall stillinger
A three-year postdoctoral fellowship funded by the Health South-East Authority is now available at the Department of Research and Development, Division of Emergencies and Critical Care, Oslo University Hospital. Together with the Intervention Center (IVS) at Oslo University Hospital (OUH), we have established an interdisciplinary group investigating hemodynamic effects related to laparoscopic liver resection and radio-frequency ablation of colorectal liver metastases.
The Human integrative cardiovascular control group (CIRCON, Institute for Basic Medical Sciences, IMB) has an extensive experience with the use of experimental methods for the study of cardiovascular and cerebral physiology. The CIRCON group will be collaborating with the Intervention Centre (IVS) at OUH, the Neurology Department (OUH) and the Geriatric Department (OUH) for this project.
Work Assignment
The successful candidate will be involved in leading at least one project and collaborate is several other studies. This project aims to investigate changes in the regulation of cerebral blood flow (CBF) intraoperatively in patients at risk for cerebral hypoperfusion and cognitive impairment after surgery and anesthesia. Neurocognitive impairment postoperatively is a recognized phenomenon that may persist several months postoperatively. Best Practices consensus papers suggest that baseline cognitive function should be routinely assessed in all older adults before surgery, because identifying the patients at increased risk may facilitate prevention, early diagnosis, and medical decision-making. In Norway, this is not implemented yet.
Cerebral autoregulation, the ability of cerebral vasculature to buffer changes in arterial blood pressure that protects cerebral perfusion from hemodynamic fluctuations, is challenged in disease, surgery and anesthesia. This renders the brain vulnerable to hypoperfusion and adverse cerebrovascular events. This project aims to study the CBF regulation in 1) healthy subjects during experimentally induced hypovolemia and 2) in frail and multimorbid patients undergoing surgery for colorectal liver metastasis under general anesthesia. We will determine the association with intraoperative incidents of cerebral hypoperfusion, lack of cerebral autoregulation and short and long term postoperative cognitive impairment. Brain neuroimaging and quality of life will also be used.
Our long-term goal is that assessment of cerebral autoregulation can be used to individualize hemodynamic treatment to optimize cerebral perfusion in patient populations at risk, such as patients with cerebrovascular disease, cardiorespiratory dysfunction, patients undergoing surgery and intensive care treatment. This can contribute to improved outcomes, reduced hospital stay and cost for the society.
We are looking for a dedicated person who can work both independently as well as in the context of a team.
Absolute qualifications
- Potential candidates have completed a PhD degree in a relevant field
- The candidate should be a medical doctor, with Medical Authorization in Norway (Norsk Legeautorisasjon).
- Excellent Norwegian and English written and verbal communication skills are required
- A background in neurology or geriatrics or anesthesiology or physiology is favored
- Previous postdoc experience is considered an advantage.
- Experience with one or more of the following research areas and techniques is favored: cognitive assessment, transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, cardiovascular monitoring
Personal qualities
- The candidate should be highly motivated and dedicated, and have a strong interest in scientific research
- The candidate should be able to work both independently as well as in the context of a team, and be well organized
- Good communication skills are an advantage as the successful applicant is expected to interact well with patients, clinicians, and other members of the project team
We offer
- An ambitious and stimulating scientific environment with excellent opportunities for academic development
- Three-year full-time position or six-year 50% postdoc position
- Top modern and excellent lab facilities
- Attractive salary according to the guidelines from the Oslo University Hospital
- Favorable pension arrangements
Leiv Arne Rosseland, Avdelingsleder, +4792204274Arbeidssted
Kirkeveien 1660450 Oslo
Arbeidsgiver: Oslo universitetssykehus HFReferansenr.: 4858323997
Stillingsprosent: 100%
Søknadsfrist: 15.11.2024
Om bedriften
Sammen med pasienten utvikler vi morgendagens behandling
Oslo universitetssykehus med våre 25 000 medarbeidere skal være en lærende og skapende organisasjon med evne til å tenke nytt. Vi skal ha en ledende rolle i utvikling av forskning og innovasjon, samt utvikling av morgendagens helsetjeneste, medisinsk behandling og presisjonsmedisin. Hos oss finner du noen av landets ledende eksperter innen sine fagfelt, og her blir du en del av Norges største helsefaglige arbeidsplass. Et inkluderende arbeidsmiljø preget av åpenhet og respekt er svært viktig for oss. Uansett hva du jobber med vil du få muligheten til å utvikle deg og benytte din kompetanse på et sted hvor det virkelig teller.
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