Senior Test Engineer / Senior Test Ingeniør
Kongsberg Gruppen Kongsberg Maritime - Automation & Control
3616 Kongsberg
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Vil du jobbe med teknologiske utfordringer i et selskap som er på vei til å transformere fremtidens maritime industri? Vi søker en Senior Test Ingeniør for å styrke teamet vårt!
Som Senior Test Ingeniør vil du være en del av integrasjons- og systemtestavdelingen som har som mål å utvikle nye og innovative måter å teste på for å sikre at våre komplekse systemer er i verdensklasse!
Du vil bli en del av et arbeidsmiljø som utvikler og tester fremtidige produkter for automatisering, autonomi, fartøykontroll, posisjonering og navigasjon. Vårt arbeidsmiljø er preget av at vi bryr oss om alle våre ansatte.
Du har en ekte lidenskap for testing og systemutvikling. Som erfaren testingeniør ønsker du å utvikle tester for komplekse systemer og utvikle dine egne ferdigheter i en senior testingeniørstilling og innen test management.
- Ansvarlig for teststrategi innen produktområde.
- Planlegge testomfang.
- Kontrollere og følge opp testing.
- Rapportere testresultater og KPI-er.
- Skrive og gjennomføre tester.
- Tilstrebe kontinuerlig forbedring.
- Bachelor- eller masternivå i informatikk, kybernetikk eller tilsvarende.
- Kunnskap om programvare og systemutviklingsprosesser.
- Erfaring som testingeniør med interesse for å vokse inn i en testlederstilling.
- Kunnskap eller erfaring med Azure DevOps er ønsket.
- Kunnskap eller erfaring med maritime systemer er et pluss.
- ISTQB-sertifisering er et pluss.
- God muntlig og skriftlig engelsk.
I KONGSBERG tror vi at mangfold fremmer innovasjon. Vi oppfordrer deg til å søke, selv om du ikke oppfyller alle kravene. Forskning viser at kvinner og minoritetsgrupper er mindre tilbøyelige til å søke på jobber med mindre de oppfyller hver eneste kvalifikasjon. Ditt unike perspektiv er verdifullt for oss. Dine ferdigheter, holdning og perspektiv kan være akkurat det vi leter etter!
Du er i stand til å
- Handle på eget initiativ, få ting til å skje og ta ansvar for resultatene.
- Påvirke, overbevise og overtale andre og fremme planer og ideer med suksess.
- Demonstrere spesialkunnskap og kompetanse på eget område.
- Kommuniser på en klar, presis og strukturert måte.
- Samarbeide godt med andre, dele kunnskap, erfaringer, informasjon og støtte andre i jakten på teammål.
Hva vi kan tilby deg
Hos oss vil du bli tilbudt en konkurransedyktig lønns- og fordelspakke med gode utviklingsmuligheter i et internasjonalt miljø. Vi har fleksibel arbeidstid og ferieordninger i tillegg til en god pensjons- og forsikringsordning. Vi tilbyr et inspirerende og trygt arbeidsmiljø og muligheten til å jobbe med bærekraftige og spennende løsninger for fremtiden.
Do you want to work with great technology challenges in a company that is on its way to transforming the future of Maritime Industry? We are looking for a Senior Test Engineer to strengthen our team!
As a Senior Test Engineer, you will be part of the Integration and System Test Department whose goal is to develop new and innovative ways of testing to ensure our highly complex systems are World Class!
You will join a work environment that develops and tests future products for automation, autonomy, vessel control, positioning and navigation. Our work atmosphere is characterized by the fact that we care about all our employees.
You have a genuine passion for testing and systems engineering. As an experienced test engineer, you want to develop tests for complex systems and develop your own skills in testing and test management.
- Oversee the test strategy within product areas together with the test team.
- Plan the scope of testing within the context of release and development projects.
- Control and follow up the testing.
- Report test results and KPI's.
- Write test cases and perform tests.
- Strive for continuous improvements.
- Bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, cybernetics, or similar.
- Knowledge of software and system development processes.
- Experience as test engineer with interest for growing into a Senior Test Engineer position.
- Knowledge or experience with Azure DevOps is desired.
- Knowledge or experience with maritime systems is a plus.
- ISTQB certification is a plus.
- Good verbal and written English.
At KONGSBERG, we believe that diversity fuels innovation. We encourage you to apply, even if you do not meet every requirement. Research shows that women and minority groups are less likely to apply to jobs unless they meet every single qualification. Your unique perspective is valuable to us. Your skills, attitude and perspective could be exactly what we are looking for!
You are able to
- Act on own initiative, make things happen and accepts responsibility for the results.
- Make an impact, convince and persuade others and promote plans and ideas successfully.
- Demonstrate specialist knowledge and expertise in own area.
- Communicate in a clear, precise and structured way.
- Co-operate well with others, share knowledge, experience, information and support others in the pursuit of team goals.
What we can offer you
With us, you will be offered a competitive salary and benefit packages with good development opportunities in an international environment. We have flexible work hours and holiday arrangements in addition to a good pension and insurance scheme. We offer an inspiring and safe work-environment and the possibility to work with sustainable and exciting solutions for the future.
Work location
Point of contact
Arnaud Descourvieres, Department Manager +47 480 84 699
Morten Rudrud, Group Manager +47 958 85 552
Kongsberg Maritime is a technology pioneer, enabling a more sustainable future for our oceans. Our zero-emission integrated technologies advance the maritime industry and solve our customers' toughest problems. With unmatched competence, domain knowledge, innovation, and market reach, we are the trusted maritime partner. Headquartered in Kongsberg, Norway, the company has manufacturing, sales and service facilities in 35 countries.
Our Automation & Control division develops technology, products, and solutions applicable for maritime vessels, offshore production units, and fisheries & aquaculture. We look at the ocean space as our operating area where we deliver a wide range of products and services. Our deliveries ranges from single products to fully integrated systems and solutions. Automation & Control serve a wide range of market segments. Through our comprehensive portfolio of offerings Automation & Control has been recognized as a world leader in our core markets for the last decades.
KONGSBERG is a leading global technology group. Throughout our proud two hundred year history, we have continuously advanced, applying innovative solutions to the needs of our customers, partners and society at large. We believe diversity is our strength. By fostering an inclusive and diverse culture we nurture and ensure space for different perspectives and ideas. We are determined in our work to mature and improve our ability to utilize our diversity and culture of differences to create positive business results.
Protechting people and planet
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