Researcher within quantitative genetics and genomics
Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)
Universitetstunet 3, 1430 Ås
Om jobben
Researcher within quantitative genetics and genomics - 24/02234
Type ansettelse
Åremål, heltid 100%
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About the position
The Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Faculty of Bioscience at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant 20-month researcher–position related to the genetics of smolt development.
The research projectThe selected candidate will work in the HubSmolt project (NFR project no. 343129), which aims to characterize genetic components of variation in smolt development and seawater robustness. Tasks include fine mapping of trait associations, in depth characterization of genetic variation and LD patterns within QTL regions, and heritability estimation.
The research groupThe successful candidate will join the multidisciplinary Genome Biology research group, which possess expertise in genetics, evolutionary and comparative genomics, bioinformatics and systems biology. The group has about 40 employees, including 3 full-time professors, 1 associate professor, 2 tenure-track associate/full professors, several postdocs/PhD students and research technicians. The group has a track-record in high-impact publishing and development of invaluable genomic resources for agricultural and marine species.
Main tasks
The main tasks will be related to:
- SNP-calling and SNP-imputation in 3000 Atlantic salmon
- Detection of structural variation from long read sequencing data
- Fine mapping and linkage disequilibrium characterization of two QTLs for smolt development phenotypes
- Heritability estimates of smolt development phenotypes
- Dissemination of results in leading scientific journals in the field
Required academic qualifications and competences:
- A PhD in genetics, quantitative genetics, or genomics
- Strong track record in analyzing large genotype dataset.
- Experience with analyses of QTLs, heritability, fine mapping of linkage disequilibrium.
- Fluency in at least one programming language (e.g. R, python, perl, etc).
The following experiences and skills will be emphasized:
You need to:
- Have the ability for highly independent work.
- Display initiative and careful creative thought.
- Have analytical and academic approach to research questions.
- Show good collaborative/social skills.
- Be proficient in English, both written and spoken.
Remuneration and further information
The position is placed in government pay scale position code 1109 Researcher, salary grade 62-80 (NOK 604 900 – 870.900) on the Norwegian Government salary scale upon employment depending on qualifications. The position follows ordinary meriting regulations.
For further information, please contact Professor Simen Rød Sandve.
E-mail:; phone +47 94870082
Information for PhD applicants and general information to applicants
To apply online for this vacancy, please click on the 'Apply for this job' button above. This will route you to the University's Web Recruitment System, where you will need to register an account (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.
Application deadline: 01.05.2024
Your CV must be entered in JobbNorge's CV form and not just included as an attachment. This is to be able to comply with the regulations of §15 of the Public Administration Act.
Up to ten publications selected by the applicant as most relevant must be attached to the application. If it is difficult to identify the contribution of the applicant in multiple-author publications, a short explanation about the applicant’s part of the work is suggested.
Printed material which cannot be sent electronically should be sent by surface mail to Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Biosciences, P.O. Box 5003, NO-1432 Ås, within 01.05.24. Please quote reference ID “HubSmolt”
Please note that the report from the expert committee will be sent to all applicants.
About The Faculty of Biosciences
The Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) aims to help shape the future food- and bio-production through teaching and research within biology and sustainable production and use of plants, livestock and fish. The faculty has an annual turnover of approx. 250 million kroner. The faculty is organized into nine research sections: Genome Biology, Breeding and
Quantitative Genetics, Ruminant Nutrition and Physiology, Ethology and Animal Environment, Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Agroecology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Plant Protection and Food Crops, Plant Biology and Biotechnology. The faculty has seven large and small research centers and laboratories, including a Center for Outstanding Innovation - Foods of Norway. The faculty is responsible for bachelor's and master's degrees in Aquaculture, Biology, Animal Science and Plant science as well as English-language master's degrees in Agroecology, Plant Sciences, Feed Manufacturing Technology and Genome Sciences.
The faculty is responsible for PhD degrees in animal science and plant science. The faculty currently has about 690 bachelor and master students and 90 PhD students. The faculty has about 240 employees and its own faculty administration.
Om bedriften
NMBU will contribute to securing the future of life through outstanding research, education, communication and innovation. We have the country's most satisfied university students, who receive research-based education in a unique student environment. Our graduates gain a high level of competence in interdisciplinary collaboration and are popular in the labor market. NMBU has internationally leading research environments in several subjects. Together with our partners in society and business, we contribute to solving some of the biggest societal challenges of our time.
We focus on innovation, communication and entrepreneurship because we believe these challenges are best solved with joint efforts. We believe that a good working environment is characterized by diversity.If necessary, workplace adaptations will be made for persons with disabilities. More information about NMBU is available at